Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near You: August 2017

Book Shelf

Loving this warm weather!   I can’t believe it is August already.   Summers in Minnesota go by so quickly.   We have been pretty busy in July.  Hubby and boys have been going to all the MN United Games (soccer).   They certainly are getting good use of their season tickets.  The remodel of the basement room is done.   Just waiting for the carpet to arrive and be installed.   Than we will be working on moving our youngest son to that room.  Next week they will be here to install new kitchen flooring.   I read a few books in June, but as you can see, I haven’t been writing many reviews. 

This week, I am sort of on vacation.   I am only working a few hours a day from home, while I am home caring for my father in law.  I hope to get some reading and reviewing done as well as just organizing in the house.   I also need to start walking again each evening,  which will have me listening to more audiobooks.   Never enough hours in the day!  

Currently Reading: 

Home Sweet Home by April Smith (set in South Dakota)


In the Country We Love: My Family Divided by Diane Guerrero (very timely, deals with immigration)


To help with your August reading,  I thought I would share some books that have caught my eye.   These books will be available in August.  If you like, maybe even get on the waitlist at the library for these upcoming titles.  As a book blogger, I am able to request, read and provide feedback on upcoming titles.   I love being able to do this, but some months my ambitions are larger than what time allows.  I still have a full time job which interferes regularly with my reading/blogging schedule.  So I decided to share with you some upcoming releases that have caught my eye.    I would hate for you to miss an upcoming title due to my lack of time!!

Here are some books which will be available in bookstores in August 2017, that caught my eye!

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Happy Reading!

*Note – if you would like to keep up with book reviews on Reading in White Bear Lake, please take a moment to like us on facebook!






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