It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?–3/13/17

It's Monday! What Are You Reading

It’s Monday! What Are you Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Reading Date. It is a chance to share what you have read and what you plan on reading in the upcoming week. I enjoy seeing what everyone’s reading plans for the week. I always find some titles that I just *have to add to my TBR list.  What a great way to discover new books and bloggers!  (click on covers for book details)

Reviews Posted:  Review: The Girl Before by JP Delaney

Read Last Week:

Reading This Week:

Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong– this is a very interesting book.  It is taking a little while to read, but well worth it.   I am looking forward to discussing it at our Diversity Book Club at work.   I hope to finish this one this week.

The Orphan’s Tale: A Novel – I read a few chapters of this one, I have been hearing a lot of good reviews from other bloggers!  I needed a little break from The Lies My Teacher Told Me.

In the Car:

Happy Reading!!

* This post contains affiliate links.



  1. Majanka Verstraete Avatar

    Goodbye to the Dead and The Orphan's Tale both look very intriguing. I hope you enjoy reading this week!

    Here's my It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

  2. Laurel-Rain Snow Avatar

    I loved The Orphan's Tale and Truly Madly Guilty. The Girl Before was an interesting read, but I didn't love it as much as I'd hoped I would.

    Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

  3. Kathy Martin Avatar

    Lies My Teacher Told Me does sound interesting. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  4. Elizabeth Avatar

    I loved The Orphan's Tale.

    Lies My Teacher Told Me looks good.

    ENJOY your week, and thanks for sharing.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  5. Unknown Avatar

    I've almost picked up Truly, Madly, Guilty on several occasions but then I read a bad review or someone says it wasn't great so I put it back on the bottom of the TBR pile. One of these days I will grab it and probably regret that I waited so long to read it… lol.
    Have a nice week.
    Laura 🙂
    My Monday Post

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