Coming Soon to a Bookshelf Near You: August Edition

I hoped to blog to you from the deck, but the heat got to me and I had to retreat into the house.   It has now rained and hopefully cooled down a bit, so hopefully my evening will be spent reading on the deck.
As a book blogger, I am able to request, read and provide feedback on forth coming titles.   I love being able to do this, but some months my ambitions are larger than what time allows.  I still have a full time job which interferes regularly with my reading/blogging schedule.  Honestly, I must admit that lately what is interfering the most with my reading in CANDY CRUSH!!    Each night I head to bed to read a bit and my youngest son crawls in bed with us and wants to play Candy Crush on my kindle.  So we take turns playing each night until we are out of lives.  He is 12 and soon won’t want to hang out with mom, so I am taking advantage of this one on one time with my last kiddo at home. 
So I decided to share with you some upcoming releases that have caught my eye.    I would hate for you to miss an upcoming title due to our Candy Crush addiction!!  
Here are some books which will be available in bookstores in August, 2014 that caught my eye!
18764826  18775231  autism
Upcoming Reviews on Reading in White Bear Lake:
18722887  21484071  18693716

Hope you are enjoying a beautiful day!!
Happy Reading!

*Note – if you would like to keep up with book reviews on Reading in White Bear Lake, please take a moment to like us on facebook!   If you are interested in my other loves: cooking, menu planning, organizing and my family check out our other blog, Living in White Bear Lake.   Living in White Bear Lake can also be found on facebook.






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