Library Loot: June 4th, 2011

The Adventures of a Intrepid Reader and Claire from The Captive Reader. This weekly event encourages bloggers to share the books they have checked out from the library. I always find many new books to add to my reserve list!

If you’d like to participate, just write up your post and link up. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Library Loot: June 1 – 8th


This last week I finished the following books:

Night Road – Kristin Hannah – 4/5

Started off shaky for me….but ended up really liking the book!    Stay tune for a review in the next week or two.

My Library Loot for this week:


From  – Forty-one-year-old school nurse Kate Cypher has returned home to rural Vermont to care for her mother who’s afflicted with Alzheimer’s. On the night she arrives, a young girl is murdered—a horrific crime that eerily mirrors another from Kate’s childhood. Three decades earlier, her dirt-poor friend Del—shunned and derided by classmates as "Potato Girl"—was brutally slain. Del’s killer was never found, while the victim has since achieved immortality in local legends and ghost stories. Now, as this new murder investigation draws Kate irresistibly in, her past and present collide in terrifying, unexpected ways. Because nothing is quite what it seems . . . and the grim specters of her youth are far from forgotten.

More than just a murder mystery, Jennifer McMahon’s extraordinary debut novel, Promise Not to Tell, is a story of friendship and family, devotion and betrayal—tautly written, deeply insightful, beautifully evocative, and utterly unforgettable.


My favorite place to visit each Saturday….Our local Library! 

I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful weekend.   Summer may have arrived in Minnesota!!   Whew…what a week.   Even being a short week, this week has felt long.   June!   How can it possibly be June already??  It is nearing the end of the school year and life is very busy!   We seem to have something almost every night or I am working late.   I am looking forward to the carefree days of summer.   Not that they are that carefree anymore, but there will be a reprieve from school and church commitments.   We had our first outdoor movie on Friday night, a sure sign that Summer is here!!

My youngest son was in his first Drama Club production this week.   It was amazing.  What a fun school he attends.   June promises to be busy with Zoo Trip, Wipe Out Party, Murder Mystery Night with friends and the return of Outdoor Movies in the backyard.  It must finally be summer!!!!

Happy Reading!

My Rating Scale:  1 – didn’t like it; 2 – it was ok; 3 – liked it; 4 – really liked it; 5 – it was amazing






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