It’s Monday! What are you reading?? 5/23/11

Monday%2525252BWhat%2525252BR%2525252BU%2525252BReadingIt’s Monday! What Are you Reading? is hosted by Shelia of Book Journey.  It is a chance to share what you have read and what you plan on reading in the upcoming week. I enjoy seeing everyone’s reading plans for the week. I always find some new titles that I just *had to add to my ever growing TBR list.

Last week looked like this for me:

Finished the Book:  “The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” by Jamie Ford – 3/5 (audio format).  

Started the book:    “Secret Kept” by Tatiana de Rosnay. (audio format)

I am doing better in my Physical Therapy/Rehab program and am now able to sit at the computer to type for a little bit  without neck pain.  May continues to be very busy and rainy here in Minnesota.  

Posted Reviews for the following books:

None posted, but need to complete my review of “Sing you Home” by Jodi Picoult and “The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” by Jamie Ford. 

Participated in the following blog events:

My Plans for this week:

a_secret_kept Start and hopefully finish reading “A Secret Kept” by Tatiana de Rosnay.
(currently on page 86 of 303 – library due date: 6/4/11)
lostboy Start reading “Lost Boy” by Brent W. Jeffs
I don’t remember where I read about this book, but it is about a young man who was forced out of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a polygamous sect. Every since reading, “Nineteenth Wife”, I am interested in reading about LDS.
(Library due date: 6/11/11)
Next Up?? Book Group Selections for June include the following:
The-Cross-Gardener The Cross Gardner by Jason F. Wright
(Book Group Selection  – June 13th)
Immortal_Life_Henrietta_Lacks Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
(Book Group Selection  – June 23rd)

These are my reading plans for the week. What are you reading plans for the week??? Join in with Shelia at Book Journey and share your reading plans for the week!!

Wishing you all a very productive week!

Happy Reading!!






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