Library Loot Event is a weekly event hosted by Marg at The Adventures of a Intrepid Reader and Claire from The Captive Reader. This weekly event encourages bloggers to share the books they have checked out from the library. I always find many new books to add to my reserve list! |
I am on vacation and finally had some time to read a book. I have been in a terrible slump with my reading lately. So I was excited to browse at the library today. My son was not as excited for a long browse.
I need to go to the book store and get some more new books added to my list of “To Read”.
The following book found their way home with me from our local Library:
Fictional Finds: | |
What did you find at the library this week???? Stop by and share your Library Loot !! Hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!!
Happy Reading!
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