Library Loot: 2/13/10

FEBRUARY 13th, 2010

Library Loot Event is a weekly event hosted by Eva at A Striped Armchair and Marg at Reading Adventures. that encourages bloggers to share the books they have checked out from the library. I always find many new books to add to my reserve list!

Saturday, February 13, 2010
1. The Emperor’s Children – Claire Messud
2. Accidental Mother – Rowan Coleman
3. The Blue Notebook – James A. Levine
4. The Little Giant of Aberdeen County – Tiffany Baker

Duggars: 20 Kids and Counting – Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

I am off to see what others have checkout from their library this week and fill up my TBR list!

Happy Reading!!






  1. Marg Avatar

    I havent read any of those! I hope you enjoy them.

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