What’s On Your Nightstand – 5/26/09

What’s been on your nightstand this month? The folks at 5 Minutes for Books would like to know. See what everyone else is reading and discover some new titles to add to your TBR pile! Mine is ever growing!!

Books I have Read in May, 2009

  • Across A Hundred Mountains by Renya Grande – My Review
  • The Girl She Used To Be by David Cristofano – My Review
  • The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski – My Review

Jen’s Reading Plan for June –

  • In the Kitchen by Monica Ali – (ARC from Simon and Schuster) – I have started this one, but have not had alot of time to read.
  • The Crying Tree by Naseem Rakha – ARC from Random House.
  • The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer-June Selection for Book Group.
  • The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb – I am listening to this audio book and am nearly finished! Very good so far.
  • The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett – a short novella borrowed to me by a friend. Must read and return very soon!

Happy Reading!






  1. Mari - Escape In A Book Avatar

    On my nightstand I have about ten books for toddlers 🙂

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