Category: books

  • Books & Babble–2014 Reading Schedule

      Do you belong to a book club???  Book Clubs are the best.  They give you an opportunity to discover new authors and books you would not have otherwise read.  Add in the opportunity to talk about books and life with people you enjoy, what could be better???   I have been working to simplify my…

  • Book Review: Prime of Life by P. D. Bekendam

    Title: Prime of Life Author:  P. D. Bekendam(Author Website) Publisher: Worthy Publishing (February 4, 2014) Pages: 272 pages Format: Advance Copy provided as part of First Look Program from Worthy Publishing About the Book: (from publisher) Ben used to be a cardiothoracic surgeon before he suddenly abandoned his career and became a janitor at a…

  • Library Loot: 2/20/10

    FEBRUARY 20th, 2010 Library Loot Event is a weekly event hosted by Eva at A Striped Armchair and Marg at Reading Adventures. that encourages bloggers to share the books they have checked out from the library. I always find many new books to add to my reserve list! I did not make much of a…